2025 is Here!

Good News

Start today and be on your way to self-publishing a print-on-demand book (paperback perfect bound, hardcover, jacketed or not, casebound, spiral-bound, whatever!), an eBook, an audiobook, video trailers, a website, an email campaign with designed emails . . . all choices that are easy to make because BookWise Publishing does not require large upfront fees. I and my associates work on minimum retainers of $750 for 10 hours and $75 an hour when those 10 hours are expended (approved by YOU in advance of work being done). My engineer for audiobooks is slightly higher at $80 an hour, but he’s worth every penny. My goal is to provide excellent quality and results for every author.

See you soon!

Karen K Christoffersen, owner and CEO BWP (estb. 2006) and Chrisco Media Services (estb. 1985)

Karen Christoffersen